What is a Menopause Coach

What is a Menopause Coach

Not one shoe fits all, and often Health and Wellness isn’t the priority, quite often it’s the symptoms we try to fix rather than looking at all underlying health issues which could be leading to the symptoms.

The main symptoms of Peri-Menopause & Menopause

  • Mood Changes 
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Changes in sexual drive
  • Brain Fog & Memory loss
  • Trouble concentrating 
  • Headaches & Migraines 
  • Night Sweats 
  • Hot Flashes
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Bladder Issues such as incontinence
  • Trouble with Sleep 
  • Joint & Muscle Aches
  • Heavy Sweating 
  • Having to urinate frequently 
  • PMS like symptoms 
  • Extreme Anger or Emotion 
  • Tiredness & Fatigue

Along with many more…..

A lot of these symptoms are also a sign of poor health and HRT will not Improve the symptoms alone.  Leading to lots of women thinking HRT doesn’t work.  If we address overall health and make sure women are eating and healthy balanced diet full of all micronutrients, macronutrients and amino acids that are vital for health especially during peri-menopause and menopausal years!

Most diet plans focus on calorie restriction rather than optimal health.  For a peri-menopausal & menopausal women a calorie restricted diet WONT work, we need to nourish the body and promote health.  When this happens the signs and symptoms will start to reduce and women will feel happier and healthier and start to loose fat in a sensible manor and in line with their hormones.

Find a coach that can take you through a health plan, addressing your diet, your gut health, your movement and emotional barriers.  Also looking at your blood work to address what the essential issues are.  If your low on vitamins, minerals and amino acids alongside your omega 3, these can easily be fixed through vitamin injections, supplementation and then understanding a healthy balanced diet that is a lifestyle.

For more information please check out my nutrition plans and look out for Menopause coaching coming soon 

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