Michelle’s Story living with MS

Michelle’s Story living with MS


"l couldn’t walk without holding onto people or objects after my diagnosis with MS. This is not just a testimony... it’s a BIG thank you KATE xx"



Kate has trained me since 2009. She trained me in kick boxing mainly to start with. I was not very fit at the beginning but Kate's training technique brought the best out of me. My shape changed, my body toned and l lost 3 dress sizes with Kate’s help. I was diagnosed with MS in 2013 which crashed my confidence completely, my balance was very much affected and l was always very fatigued. I also was taking steroids which made me gain weight. Kate encouraged me to get going again, she advised that l stop boxing for a while so she focused on my strength and balance. She also asked for a food dairy and looked at me diet too then advised that l was not eating enough to keep my energy levels up.

Training was very hard and l did nothing but say “l can’t do it', I am scared” but she was patient with me and was also sensitive to what l was going through. WE DID IT..... l say we because l could not have done it without her. I have minor relapses at times after my MS but she just tailors what l need to do to get back to where l want to be. I now do 2 Body Pump classes one with Kate, 1 session with Kate and 1 alone if l can so l am at the gym 4 to 5 times a week which is something l did not think l could ever do again considering l couldn’t walk without holding onto people or objects after my diagnoses.

This is not just a testimony... it’s a BIG thank you KATE xxx


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