Andrea’s Fat loss journey

Andrea’s Fat loss journey

"In total I lost four and a half stone, going from thirteen stone to eight and a half. To anyone who says they can’t do it, YES YOU CAN!"



My name’s Andrea and I first started training with Kate in 2005 when I was 44.  And I’m still training with her  18 years later!

Kate is the best personal trainer anyone could have.  When we started, I was very overweight and didn’t really think I would ever be any different!

How wrong I was!  After asking me about my goals and listening to my answers, (usual stuff about wanting to lose weight and get fitter), she wrote me a programme, suggested I attend Body Pump and RPM classes and set about slowly, but surely changing my eating habits through getting me to keep regular food diaries.  To my absolute astonishment after the first six weeks I had lost almost 3 kilos.  I never really looked back after this.  In the first year of training with Kate I lost three and a half stone.  The best moment ever was when everyone else started to notice and complement me on how good I looked.  Not to mention how I felt about myself.

In total I lost four and a half stone, going from thirteen stone to eight and a half.  To anyone who says they can’t do it, YES YOU CAN!

But enough about me.  Let’s talk about Kate.  She is the most understanding, motivating person you can ever imagine working with.  She doesn’t judge or criticise.  She encourages you no matter what, and if you ever lose motivation, she doesn’t.  When she tells you you can do it, she has the gift of making you believe it and want to carry on.  She’s also great fun and a fantastic listener.  Above all, she doesn’t let you stand still and keep on doing the same old things.  Every programme is different and after 18 years I’ve tried so many forms of exercise that I never imagined, including my absolute favourite, kick boxing.


Thanks Kate, you changed my life (style) and I’m never going back!

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